Adams County Introduces AdCo To Go Campaign

With temporary closing of dine-in restaurants and stay-at-home ordinances, many Adams County restaurants, bars, and eating establishments are experiencing significant financial hardship. To help support these businesses, Adams County has partnered with economic development and chamber organizations throughout the region to create AdCo To Go. This program, developed by the Business Support Response & Recovery Team, connects open restaurants with residents.

“Restaurants, bars, and coffee shops are more than just places we go to eat, they are critical community spaces,” says Adams County Commissioner Mary Hodge, Chair, Business Support Response & Recovery Team. “They allow us to make connections with friends, family, and co-workers. We are excited about AdCo To Go and its ability to support these establishments.”

In addition, residents can view an interactive map of Adams County restaurants open for takeout. Local establishments are encouraged to sign up with Community & Economic Development staff to receive information and support for additional funding during this time. Eligible eateries can sign up by completing this formAdCo To Go will continue to evolve and may include marketing and outreach support for participating establishments.

For more information on this program or other COVID-19 related resources, please visit In addition to the website, there is now a direct connection for residents and businesses with COVID-19 questions—email us at