Employment First is here to help Adams County residents receiving Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP). Our dedicated team is prepared to assist participants by providing guidance, supportive services, and encouragement to set and meet their goals. Below are lists of services and programs we provide.
Once a SNAP application is complete, a referral will be sent to the Employment First program. Please be on the look out for our communication. Anyone receiving SNAP benefits is encouraged to participate and contact us at employmentfirst@adcogov.org, call 720.523.6895 or come to the Workforce and Business Center located in the Adams County Human Services Building, 11860 Pecos Street, Suite 2200, Westminster CO 80234. Building hours are Tuesday through Friday, 7 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Appointments are encouraged.
Programs and Services
Job Search Assistance
The Adams County Workforce and Business Center offers a wide variety of services and assistance to job seekers. We offer individualized attention to ensure that job seekers identify appropriate career options, education, and training opportunities to excel in their chosen career path. Individuals registered on Connecting Colorado have access to our career center, workshops and classes, resume writing and review assistance, interview preparation and practice, job and resource fairs and job club. Our skilled job developers work hard to create successful connections between job seekers and employers, and our business services team works with employers to develop internship, work experience and apprenticeship opportunities. Schedule an appointment with a member of our team to get started on your job search!
Case Management
A case manager dedicated to serving you and your goals will work with you one-on-one, to navigate all the programs and services offered by Employment First and the Adams County Workforce and Business Center.
Supportive Services
Supportive services are offered to help navigate financial setbacks and or help provide support for costs including but not limited to education/training, work tools and equipment and transportation.
The Adams County Workforce and Business Center has a wide variety of workshops designed to meet all our customers job seeking, educational and personal wellbeing needs!
Work Based Learning
Provides professional experience through On the Job Training, Internships, and volunteering. These services are provided through non-profits, local businesses, or government entities. You will obtain real life work experience and references for your resume!
GED Program
The Workforce and business center offers GED preparation classes on a four-week rotation, with each rotation covering a different subject. All youth and adult customers registered in Connecting Colorado are eligible to register. GED Labs are offered and provide time for customers to come in and have a teacher available to assist with the subject they are working on.
Tuition Assistance
Access to various programs that offer tuition assistance to help assist with education or training costs.
Obtained your employment goals, now what?
Once employed, participants receive employment retention services through the Employment First program. Equipped with supportive services, we work with participants to ensure their employment stability. Participants have access to other programs and services specifically designed to help maintain their employment and improve it.
The Job Success Program
Our goal is to help participants through the transition and assist to improve employment or increase overall household income, by helping identify a sustainable career pathway. We also help improve budgeting skills and provide guidance to address barriers that could threaten stability. The Job Success Program is a voluntary, two-generation program, designed to address the cliff effect by supporting participants to retain and improve employment. We offer limited supportive services, training funds for education, and incentives earned by maintaining employment. We offer a collaborative approach to case management to help participants achieve their goals.
Parent Program
The Parent Program is designed to assist with any barriers that can interfere with court ordered child support requirements. Our goal is to provide necessary support to parents, in order to maintain compliance with the child support orders. The Parent Program can offer access to better employment opportunities, training/education, or resources to improve financial and budgeting skills. We partner with other programs inside and outside of Adams County to maximize opportunities, resources, and access to training funds and other supportive services.