Riverdale Bluffs Open Space Master Plan

Riverdale Bluffs

Riverdale Bluffs Open Space is a resource that will add a new type of recreational open space facility to Adams County’s parks and open space offerings. With the potential to offer a variety of recreational amenities and activities to the community while also protecting the special qualities of the site, Riverdale Bluffs can become an exceptional and unique open space and recreation amenity for the residents of Adams County.

Final Master Plan

Please see the Final Master Plan for Riverdale Bluffs Open Space that was developed based on community outreach and stakeholder meetings, public workshops, and the online survey.

The county is proceeding with the next steps of the project, including Design Development and Construction Documents.

Be on the lookout for future public meetings updating the status of the project. If you have any questions about the project, please contact:

Jason Baines, Manager of Planning, Design & Construction
Parks, Open Space & Cultural Arts Department
O: 303.637.8009

Riverdale Bluffs Master Plan OverviewRiverdale Bluffs Detailed Master PlanRiverdale Bluffs Detailed Master PlanRiverdale Bluffs Trailhead Plan

Community Outreach

Adams County is actively soliciting feedback to assist in the Riverdale Bluffs Open Space Master Plan. Community outreach will include stakeholder meetings, public workshops, and an online survey.

Public Workshop I: Site Introduction 

Wednesday, Sept. 16, 2020 

This workshop introduced the Riverdale Bluffs Open Space property to the public. Potential program activities were reviewed that the public provided feedback on through the online survey. The feedback will help the design team develop the concept alternatiuves that will be presented at the next public meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 24. 

Review Items from Public Workshop I:

Public Workshop II: Review Concept Alternatives

Wednesday, Feb. 24

Concept alternatives for the master plan were presented to the public at this workshop. Attendees' feedback on the designs will help guide the direction of the final master plan concept.

Riverdale Trailhead Plan  Riverdale Overall Master Plan 
Click to enlarge.

Riverdale Bluffs Master Plan

Click to enlarge.

Share Your Feedback

Adams County Parks, Open Space & Cultural Arts would like your feedback on the Master Plan Concept for Riverdale Bluffs Open Space. We would like to know what you think about the plan. Tell us what you really like and what you think needs work! Did we leave anything out? Your input will be crucial in helping us to revise this plan to arrive at the Master Plan that will guide future development of the Open Space. Please submit your feedback on the concept plans above. Thank you!

For more information on other capital improvement projects, return to the main Adams County Parks, Open Space & Cultural Arts webpage.